Aquafan Riccione
Rate this place: Rimini
Town: Riccione
Recommended for children from the following age groups:
Country: Italy
Region: - 0-3
- 3-7
- 7-12
- 12-16
Aqua Fan is a place for the whole family.
Divided into sections for adults and children. The children's area features 3 themed pools with slides: Lazy Town beach on which animations are held, Antarctica and the ark of Noah. For the little ones a big pool with triple slide in the shape of an elephant. The parts for the elderly include lots of amazing pools with multiple slides, with a total length of 3 km, for the the eager playing in the foam is possible.
Adress:Via Pistoia 47838 Riccione Forli
open from 1 June to 16 September, daily from 10:00-18:30
Tickets adults:25 €
Tickets children: children aged 6-11: 18 €
Pass: n/a
Additional information:
- Children under 5 years free entry
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+ 39 0541 6057 09Source: na podstawie: www.aquafan.itUpdated on
Monday, 21 January 2013
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