Camelot Theme Park

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amusement park

Recommended for children from the following age groups:
  • 3-7
  • 7-12
  • 12-16

Camelot Theme Park is located in Lancashire.

The main character in the park is the legendary King Arthur.

Among the attractions you will find among others: School of Merlin's magic, Merlin's Tricks - a place where we learn the secrets of magic, Knightmare - a roller coaster ride, Galleon Ships - carousel-shaped vessel, a moving pendulum, Falcon Ships - carousel with balloons-shaped carriages, The long flume - rafting logs. A playground is prepared for the yougest children.

In the park each day knight tournaments are held, we meet here fire-eaters and the royal court jesters.

Camelot Theme Park

CC licence: some rights reserved by markshal


Park Hall Road, Chorley, PR7 5LP, United Kingdom

Opening days and hours:

open from April to September from 10:00. Closing times are dependent on the month

Tickets adults:
28 GBP
Tickets children:
children from 1 m height: 28 GBP


Additional information:

- Children up to 1 m height free admission

- It's worth to buy tickets on-line, as it's going to be cheaper, instead of paying £28 you'll spend only £20, a family ticket 2+2 (two adults and 2 children) will cost £76 instead of  £85 if you buy on-line


+44 1257 453044


Updated on

Monday, 21 January 2013

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