Centrum Babylon Liberec
Rate this place: Liberec Region
Town: Liberec
Recommended for children from the following age groups:
Country: Czech Republic
Region: - 3-7
- 7-12
- 12-16
Centrum Babylon Liberec is a huge entertainment center, which has all kinds of entertainment.
In the complex there is: an aqua park, an amusement park, bowling, laser games, iQpark, maze, 3D XD Theater.
In addition, in the building there's a shopping and service center, including: a hotel (1000 visitors capacity), restaurants, and a salt-iodine cave.
Various attractions here are described separately.
Licence CC: some rights reserved by elPadawan
Adress:CENTRUM BABYLON, a. s., Nitranská 1460 12 Liberec, Czech Republic
Gallery:Open every day from 10:00 to 20:00
Tickets adults:each attraction has its own individual pricing
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+42 0 485 249 202Source:
sunnycompany.com; www.centrumbabylon.cz/pl/babylon/Updated on
Tuesday, 05 February 2013
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