Erse Park Uetze
Rate this place: Lower Saxony
Town: Uetze
Recommended for children from the following age groups:
Country: Germany
Region: - 0-3
- 3-7
- 7-12
- 12-16
Erse Park is a recreational park and entertainment for the whole family.
The park has more than 40 attractions, including rafting, park trains, rides for small and large, mini golf course, long slides, dinosaur park, dry pool with colorful balls for the kids. We can find a lot of funny creatures, dragons and characters here.
The area consists of landscaped grounds with lots of flowers and trees, in whose shade you can arrange a joint family picnic.
CC licence: some rights reserved by Lindspetrol
Adress:Abbeile 2, 31311 Uetze, Deutschland
Open from late March to mid-October, from 10:00-18:00
Tickets adults:18 €
Tickets children: 16 €
Pass: n/a
Additional information:
- children under 2 years free admission
- car parking free
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+49 (0) 5173 352Source:; www.erse-park.comUpdated on
Monday, 26 August 2013
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