Freizeitpark Plohn
Rate this place: Saxony Town: Lengenfeld Category: Recommended for children from the following age groups:
Country: Germany Region: - 0-3
- 3-7
- 7-12
- 12-16
Freizeitpark Plohn is one of the most popular amusement parks in eastern Germany.
For lovers of fun more than 70 attractions are waiting here.
The park is divided by subject. There's something for everyone: Wild West City, a fairy-tale forest where you can meet Hansel and Gretel, fire-breathing dragon, talking tree in an enchanted forest, natural park with real pets, Japanese garden, dinosaur park and numerous roundabouts in color Plohnidorf.

CC licence: some rights reserved by Christian Heindel
Adress:Rodewischer Straße 21, 08485 Lengenfeld / Plohn, Deutschland
Gallery:open from early April to early November, daily from 10:00 Closing hours depend on the season - details are on the attractions website
Tickets adults:22 €
Tickets children: 19 €
Pass: n/a
+49 37606 34163Source:; on
Monday, 26 August 2013 No Comments