Jura Park Bałtów
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- 12-16
Jura Park in Bałtów is a combination of education with fun.
When planning a trip to Bałtów it's worth to book the whole day, because the park offers a variety of attractions:
JuraPark Bałtów - the biggest attraction are of course dozens of dinosaur reconstructions, located along the walking path. When walking around you can take a look at the information on the color panels along the route. Here you can find information about the development of life on land and sea over millions of years.
Bałtów zoo - you can see here a bison, Dybowski deer, fallow deer, mouflon, Scottish cattle, markhors, alpacas, llamas, sheep, koniks and donkeys. The exploration of the site is taking place in American schoolbuses.
Rafting on Kamienna river - available from April to October. The rafting route runs from the palace of the Drucki-Lubecki dukes, where the "Gierczakówka" haven is located and ends near the main entrance to the JuraPark. ("Przy Młynie" (At the mill haven).
Theme Park with rides and carousels, both for children and for adults
5D Cinema - Cinema Emotion - One of the newest attractions of the park. A place where viewers experience a movie with 5 senses - in addition to three-dimensional image you also may experience other sensory impressions: sound, movement, touch, smell.
Land of Horses - is horse riding centre, where in addition to learning to ride a horse, you can also visit the stables, ride horse-drawn carriages or horse carts;
Rollercoaster - ride with the length of almost 400 meters, the length of the lift - 135 m, maximum descent speed - about 40 km/h You can adjust the speed of trucks.
Prehistoric Aquarium - here you can see a life-size prehistoric specimens of aquatic creatures, such as the megalodon, mosasaurus, liopleurodon, plesiosaurus and others.
Stone Eye - swimming pool open in summer (lifeguards on duty).
Bałtów Ski Slope (Szwajcaria Bałtowska) - professional ski slope with two ski runs of 340 m and 570 m lenght respectively - open in Winter.
Also available at this accommodation.

CC licence: some rights reserved by SunnyCompany
Adress:Jura Park Bałtów, Bałtów 8a, 27-423 Bałtów, Polska
Gallery:Open daily. Open longer during the summer months (from 9:00 to 21:00), autumn and winter open a little bit shorter (10:00-16:00).
Tickets adults:Family ticket: 55 PLN; PREMIUM Family ticket: 150 PLN; GOLD Family ticket: 215 PLN, Family ticket: 2 adults + 2 children under 12 years
Additional information:
Premium Ticket - entitles you to explore the JuraPark and to use all the equipment in the amusement park without limits (except of the Cinema Emotions - the 5D Cinema, tyroleans and coin-operated devices).
GOLD Ticket - entitles you to explore the JuraPark, use all equipment in the amusement park without limits (except of the Cinema Emotions - the 5D Cinema, tyroleans and coin-operated devices), rollercoaster rides and exploring the lower and upper Bałtów animal parks.