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Jura Park Krasiejów

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dinosaur park

Recommended for children from the following age groups:
  • 0-3
  • 3-7
  • 7-12

Jura Park Krasiejów offers a whole range of activities for all ages. Here you can find dinosaurs, immerse yourself in the underwater world of huge reptiles in the Aquarium, play on the playground, watch a show at the 5D cinema or enjoy the amusement park.

In the real jurassic scenery you can see giant models of dinosaurs (here almost 70 species and 200 models). The nature trail has a length of approximately 1500m. Duration of the tour with a guide is from 1.5 to 2 hours.

Along the tour route numerous boards with photographs of plant communities characteristic of the era of dinosaurs are placed. Presented are also pictures of the famous discoveries of dinosaurs' remains or traces.

In addition, there is also one of Europe's largest deposits of bones of Triassic reptiles and amphibians, and thousands of Triassic museum exhibits.

The park also offers the opportunity to participate in the museal classes, or paleontological art workshops.

The sightseeing begins with a visit to the "Time Tunnel", which makes it possible, using multimedia technologies to take you back in time. You'll experience th continental drift, climate change and the greatest disasters in the history of our planet.

There is also a Palaeontological Pavilion, which hosts Europe's largest Triassic fossils of amphibians and reptiles (you can watch them through the glass floor). It is the only museum in the world, which lies on an active paleontological position. Here you can see reconstructions of the oldest ever discovered skeleton of a prehistoric dinosaur - Silesaurus opolensis prepared by sculptor Martha Schubert. A mobile platform moving over the fosiile field has been designed for paleontologists.

Jura Park Krasiejów

CC licence: some rights reserved by SunnyCompany


ul. 1 Maja 10, 46-040 Krasiejów k/Opola, Polska

Opening days and hours:

In the period Jan-Apr, Nov-Dec: opening hours: Mon-Fri 09:00-16:00, weekends 10:00 - 18:00. In summer open from 9:00 to 17:00 and weekends 10:00-19:00

Tickets adults:
36 PLN
Tickets children:
30 PLN

Seasonal card includes admission to all three objects (Jura Park Bałtów, Solec Kujawski, Krasiejów) 119 PLN / person

Additional information:

family ticket (2 adults and 2 children under 12 years) 120 PLN, children under 4 free admission


+ 48 519 346 149 i +48 77 465 14 67


Updated on

Sunday, 03 February 2013

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