Rate this place: Alsace
Town: Haguenau
Recommended for children from the following age groups:
Country: France
Region: - 0-3
- 3-7
- 7-12
Nautiland a huge water park complex in Haugenau in Alsace.
Slides are available for virtually all ages, there's an outdoor swimming pool with a current river here, additionally: caves, waterfalls, water jets, bubble bath, playground with tubes and slides, a wading pool for toddlers.
Adress:Nautiland, 8 rue des Dominicains, 67500 Haguenau, France
Open daily from 10:00 to 19:00.
Tickets adults:Sample prices: 2-hour ticket: 6.20 €
Tickets children: 2-hour ticket for children aged 4 to 12 years - 4,90 €
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+33 03 88 90 56 56Source:
http://www.nautiland.netUpdated on
Friday, 08 February 2013
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