Biblical Garden Myczkowce
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The Biblical Garden is located in the Recreation and Rehabilitation Centre of Caritas Rzeszow in Myczkowce.
You enter the garden through the wicket just off at the gate of the centre. Immediately at the entrance there is a small building with souvenirs and books. Nearby, along nicely arranged alleys, you can find the biblical garden divided into several sections depicting scenes from the Old and New Testaments. These include: The Book of the Bible, Menorah, stay in Egypt, burning bush, crossing the sea, Wandering Desert, Mount Sinai, Promised Land, A model of the Desert, the genealogy of Jesus, the birth of Jesus, the Baptism of Jesus, the desert of Judea, Vineyard, The teaching of Jesus, Faith Hope Love, Miracles of Jesus, Jesus and the Children, Mount of Beatitudes, Olive Grove, The Descent of the Holy Spirit.
Whiule walking the paths through the garden you will find a lot of references and quotations from the Bible, all attractively laid out among the diverse vegetation. Here you can see such a menorah made of boxwood, stone tablets with the commandments next to the bloody blackberries, on the other hand, in the Promised Land: an olive tree, fig, pomegranate, date palm, oak, cistus, myrtle, carob and others. However, the Red Sea is a pond filled with grit. In the section on the Passion of Christ and Calvary are plants that have thorns like: Paliurus spina-christi, prickly burnet and Ziziphus spina-christi.
In the garden you can find both popular and well-known herbs and flowers, but also the totally obscure ones as well. They're here: mullein, oak, black cumin, mustard, coriander, flax, grapes, wheat and several varieties of flowers: crocus, tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, lilies, and more.
At the end of the alley there is the entrance to the Ecumenical Culture Centre, where you can see about 200 miniatures of churches. The complex has as well a mini-zoo and horse riding.

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Adress:Ośrodek Wypoczynkowo-Rehabilitacyjny w Myczkowcach; 38-623 Uherce
Gallery:Summer (1 VI - 31 VIII) - from 9:00 to 19:00; Winter (1 XI - 28 II) - from 9:00 to 16:00; another months - from 9:00 to 17:00
Tickets adults: