Puente Nuevo de Ronda
- 3-7
- 7-12
- 12-16
Puente Nuevo is the famous monumental bridge with a height of 100 meters, located in the El Tajo gorge, which acts as an interface between the two districts, the old, Arab Ciudad and the new - Mercadillo.
In the town of Ronda, there are three bridges, Puente Nuevo, however, is the latest and greatest. Designed by José Martín de Aldehuela and built for 42 years is now one of the most photographed structures in Andalusia. It was built of solid stone blocks originating from the El Tajo gorge below, and of a series of arcs.
Under the central arch there is a chamber that once served as a prison, and today for the price of 2 € you can visit and see the exhibition describing the history of the construction of the bridge.
Residents meet often at the bridge for a joint coffee and a chat and visitors love this place for the views that can be seen here.

CC licence: some rights reserved by dr_zoidberg
the chamber is open from Monday to Friday 10:00-18:00 (spring and summer to 19:00), Saturday 10:00-13:45 and 15:00-18:00, Sundays 10:00-15 : 00
Tickets adults:n/a
Additional information:
- it's worth to bring your binoculars with you