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Puy du Fou

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Country: France Region:
Les Epesse

amusement park

Recommended for children from the following age groups:
  • 3-7
  • 7-12
  • 12-16

Puy du Fou theme park dedicated to the most important historical events of France.

The park is located in the town of Les Epesses (between Cholet and La Roche-sur-Yon) in the western part of France (which is about 3 hours away from Paris, 1 hour from Nantes).

The park consists of two parts - the older Cinéscénie and newer - Grand Parc.

Cinéscénie is probably the biggest historical show in the world. The staging, where about 1,200  actors from the surrounding towns and dozens of horses are participating, presents in a very attractive way the 700-year history of this place. Everything in the beautiful scenery - in the ruins of a Renaissance castle.

Nearby is the Grand Parc - a theme park, where in one place you can see the ancient amphitheater, the Viking village, a medieval town and the crusader's castle .

At each of these parts about 30-40 minutes long shows on historical events take place. Unfortunately, mainly in French, but you can be provided with an audio guide and listen to comments in English.

As in any such place here too there are numerous restaurants and hotels.

Puy du Fou

Copyright: Poy du Fou


Poy du Fou, 85590 Les Epesses, France

Opening days and hours:

Open every day from 10:00 a.m. Please check on the parc's web site time when they finish.

Tickets adults:
Grand Parc - 1 day - €31; Grand Parc - 3 days - €53; Grand Parc 1 day + Cinéscénie - €45
Tickets children:
Grand Parc - 1 day - €19; Grand Parc - 3 days - €38; Grand Parc 1 day + Cinéscénie - €28

If you book tickets earlier you can buy it little bit cheaper.


Updated on

Thursday, 04 April 2013

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