Termy Cieplickie

Rate this place:
4.4/5 rating (5 votes)
Country: Poland Category:

amusement park

tourist attraction

aquapark / pool

Recommended for children from the following age groups:
  • 0-3
  • 3-7
  • 7-12
  • 12-16
Termy Cieplickie

Copyright Termy Cieplickie


Termy Cieplickie spółka z o.o., ul. Park Zdrojowy 5, 58-560 Jelenia Góra

Opening days and hours:

open everyday from 6:00 to 23:00

Tickets adults:
Monday - Friday - from 22 PLN; Saturday, Sunday and Holidays - from 25 PLN
Tickets children:
children 4-16 years: Monday - Friday - from 10 PLN; Saturday, Sunday and Holidays - from 15 PLN


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+48 75 75 46 901


sunnycompany.com na podstawie materiałów prasowych Term Cieplickich

Updated on

Monday, 26 January 2015

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