Tiergarten Schönbrunn
Rate this place: Vienna Town: Vienna Category: Recommended for children from the following age groups:
Country: Austria Region: - 0-3
- 3-7
- 7-12
- 12-16
The oldest zoo in Vienna, located in the Schönbrunn Park near the palm house.
You'll find here: an aquarium, terrarium, Polarium, and Pet Park, where there rabbits, guinea pigs and turtles live.
There's an aviary here with exotic birds and a South America Park. Since 2009, you'll find an ORANGE-erie in the Park as well.

CC licence: Some rights reserved by SunnyCompany
Adress:Schönbrunner Tiergarten-Gesellschaft m.b.H.Maxingstraße 13b, 1130 Wiedeń, Austria
Gallery:open daily from 9:00 to 16:00 (in the summer months until 18:30)
Tickets adults:14 €
Tickets children: kids and adolescents up to 19 years: 6€
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Joanna Urban 27 May 2012 at 10:57 | #
Przepiękne miejsce! Bardzo zadbane, całe mnóstwo zwierzaków. Świetne było wielkie akwarium z przezroczystym tunelem dzięki któremu obserwowaliśmy ryby i rekiny.